80 Channel CB Guide

What is CB?

UHF CB is a class-licensed citizen's band radio service authorised by the governments of Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, and Malaysia in the UHF 477 MHz band.

UHF CB provides 77 channels, including 32 channels (16 output, 16 input) allocated to repeater stations. It is similar in concept to 27 MHz CB Radio in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.

Do I need a license? Is it really free to use?

Class licensing means that users do not have to apply for a licence or pay a licence fee however they must comply with the regulations of the class licence.

What radio can I use in Australia?

It is illegal to use non-standard radios purchased from overseas because they interfere with licensed land-mobile services. This includes overseas personal radio service devices because they do not share the same band plan, power output and channels as UHF CB. Care must be taken when importing radios from overseas to ensure they comply with local regulations.

Approved radios are identified by an Australian standards C Tick usually found on the tag or sticker of the radio.
All CB/Recreational radios sold by Gorilla Radio are compliant to this Australian standard. If you have any detailed questions, please feel free to contact one of our friendly specialists - we will be happy to clarify for you.

UHF 80 Channel CB List


Usage Restrictions

Licenses for Repeater Channels 44 & 45 will not be licensed for an additional 6 to 12 months to allow extra time for owners of Channel 5 Emergency repeaters to upgrade equipment to meet the new standards.

Channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48 - Repeater Channels Press the DUPLEX button on your radio to use any available repeaters.

Channel 5 & 35 - Emergency use only - Monitored by Volunteers, No general conversations are to take place on this channel.

Channels 22 & 23 - Data transmissions only (Excluding Packet)

Channels 31 to 38 and 71 to 78 - Repeater inputs - Do not use these channels for simplex transmissions as you will interfere with conversations on channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48.

The Australian Government has legislated that channels 5 & 35 on the UHF CB Band are reserved for emergency use only.