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These are products that have been discontinued and are no longer supported by manufacturers.
Hytera Rugged & Work Ready Radio Package (6x TC-610, 6x RSM, 6x Pouches 1x Multi Charger)
Military grade IP66 Commercial Two Way Radio Pack - Ideal for construction or outside work sites.Vertex Tradies Package (6x Waterproof VX456 Handheld Radios with Chargers & Microphones)
Motorola SL2600 Ultra Thin Two-Way Portable Radio
Motorola DP4401e Waterproof Digital Two Way Portable Radio with GPS & Bluetooth
Motorola DP4601e Waterproof Digital Two Way Portable Radio with GPS & Bluetooth
Motorola DP4401EX Waterproof Digital Two Way Portable Radio with GPS & Bluetooth